Poets in Conversation
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Sat, Aug 28, 2021 - 4 to 5:30pm PT: Poets in Conversation #09 with Anastasia Vassos and Eileen Cleary
As the Pandemic raged, so many poets, publishers, and in-person reading groups turned to Zoom as a way to connect, and to support poetry in supporting us.
Despite the Pandemic, new books were published and debuted. In an effort to bolster these new-book authors (including myself) I started Poets in Conversation, a Zoom poetry reading with two authors at a time. My idea was to feature poems from the books as well as conversation and connection between the readers and the audience present in the Zoom Room. The conversations are then posted to my Youtube channel for later viewing.
As of July, 2021, I have featured sixteen readers so far, Conversations #4-8 were with Grayson Books authors recommended by Ginny Connors. So many great poems, and in-depth conversations!
After a summer break, we are continuing the readings on Zoom, featuring authors from many locales, some in the Bay Area of San Francisco, others from across the US and who knows, perhaps internationally. If you are interested in being a reader, please Contact Me>.
To add your name to my mailing list, please Contact Me>.
Here is the Schedule of Conversations.
Each one is scheduled for 4:00 to 5:30 pm Pacific Time.
Hope to see you there!
The Next Conversation
Upcoming Conversations
These are the ones scheduled so far. Watch this space for more dates to save.Past Conversations
In this list, the latest Conversation appears first.And remember, the videos are archived on my Youtube channel.